Plot: Vetrivel (Vijay) is a brave young man who lives with his large family in Chennai. His father is out of station on business and he comes to know that a gentleman named Koccha Suman owes his father a huge sum of money. Finding that Koccha is based in Malaysia, Vetrivel and vivek fly to Malaysia, as 'Kuruvi' (courier), the trade jargon for low-level contraband carriers. He steps into the group at a time when internal rivalry and problems are surfacing in Koccha's family. Koccha's darling sister Devi (Trisha Krishnan) has refused to marry her cousin, the boy approved by her family members. Irritated and preoccupied, nobody wants to devote any time or attention to resolve Vetrivel's problem. Vetrivel is abused, harassed, suffers more ill-treatment and is thrown out of Koccha's place without any help rendered.
These callous actions enrage the young man. Totally enraged, with a do-or-die attitude, deciding to get his work done no matter who gets hurt, Vetri becomes a veritable suicide machine and launches into a terrific scuffle with the dangerous gang. Determined to return only after the issue is solved to his satisfaction, motivated by an urge to reveal the truth, Vetrivel conceals himself in Koccha's palace-like residence. He returns to India after stealing a large diamond that was in Koccha's possession.
Trisha follows Vijay and comes to India too. Knowing that Vijay has taken his diamond Koccha and his gang visit Vijay's house and threaten his family. After confronting Koccha Vijay comes to know that his father Manivannan is held as bonded labor along with many innocent people in Kadapa.
The rest of the film is how Kuruvi goes to Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh and discovers a slave camp run by Kocha and his associate Konda Reddy (Ashish Vidyarthi), at the collieries and also finds his long lost father. Kuruvi single handedly takes on the mining mafia and finally annihilates them.
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